Monday, January 2, 2012

Semester 1 Final Exam

That's first and final exam in semester 1 in UPM.
Spend 3days of my study week in college and the remainder days at home.
haha...initially i planned to spent my whole week of study week in college but seems like it din go accordingly.
The days studied in college was so so so bitter!
Studied whole day which is so tiring that i have to nap twice a day!
which is very unusual for me-who din take naps at all!
Anyway, it's the past.

Now, today i'm gonna sit for kenegaraan.
I woke up on 0710 then make myself a cup of chocolate oat and sit infront of my lappy planning to continue ytd night de revise. Suddenly, Grace called. Are u ready to go? I was like blur blur...HUH? i haven eat and revise yet >.<....

In the speed of light, i finished my breakfast and have a look on my "book" =P then wolaa...change clothes and pergi take bus to go to my exam venue~which is the KAA! Reach KAA but i forgot which room it is so i took out my schedule and have a look wrote there DEWAN BESAR!! Shit >.<....why am i so blur!! Again, quickly i took the bus to Dewan Besar.

Well, most of the questions that came out i have blur image in my head that i had read through. I was able to spit out the facts but din do well on elaboration. Overall, i think i'll score 50% bah.

Anyway this is just one of the exam..still left 4 havent go yet
Better start my engine lo~~