Friday, January 28, 2011

my working place~ table!! haha lunch time is the time to play game~

=.=...onion also be like this! coated with gold....crazy punya~

found this funny. It looks like a bunch of flower.
I think it better than flower. Cheaper, more convenience and GREENER. haha

Irritating hair....look like sapo!! i need a haircut~~

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

i hate u!!

When u get back home from school and i get back home from work...i'm gonna ''kell'' u!!
No need to ask why cause u knew the reason why!!
U took my PRECIOUS thing without asking me!!
U gonna pay for the consequences if anything happen to my PRECIOUS watch!!
If there are scratches or any incident happen...u are going to pay for it.
I used my watch everyday how come u took it!!
Mom told u to use my OLD watch not my NEW SHINY BEAUTIFUL EXPENSIVE I-USE-IT-EVERYDAY watch!!
I finished cleaning and dressing myself and suddenly found my watch missing!! u know how worried i was!!
I thought i lost my watch or somebody stole it!!
Well the fact is somebody did stole it!!
And the thief is u!!

Monday, January 24, 2011


21st and 22nd of January I went Port Dickson with AD.
I'm afraid to take lift for two days cause i just started working.
But i promised them that i will try to asked for lift.
Finally courage found me and i asked and i got lift! wohoo~~
We stay in the avillion admiral cove.
The hotel is very beautiful~and the room is comfortable.Like it!

as u can see...the scenery is very beautiful.

the place is so clean that it was hard for us to find any rubbish.

AD group man sui~~
looking forward to our next trip. haha

oh leg ached!! because of the escaping game~i ran A LOT!
But i like the game. Cause the lack of chances for me to experience the intense when escaping and hiding from the chaser in reality.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Jang Geun Suk fever~~

Ever since i watched (he's beautiful), i absolutely definately fall in love with jang geun suk oppa~~XD
haha...he is absolutely my cup of tea. CUTE!!

 beside JGS is jeremy.(LeeHongKi)

See this...initially it is 50% vs 50%.
I beh song!! Then i click as much as i can during free time in office. oppa win~i'm so happy.
i'm getting insane.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Finally i'm going to work TOMORROW! *so fast*
Going to work as an accountant's assistant. *gee...even though i'm not an account student*
In a company named OrgaPharma Herbal Manufacturing Sdn Bhd in Bandar Teknologi Kajang.
Kind of nervous. Because it's not in my field. But if it bout integers i guess i'm ok. haha i going to be one of them?!
Wish i'll be fine with the job. OH NO...should be MUST!! *stress stress*
Looking forward toward my first day. *i better not insomnia tonight*

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Apparently i was not so busy.
But still lazy to blog. haha
Because i was addicted to dramas. Especially Korean dramas.
Dramas is my priority. That's why i was less seen in facebook.
Plus i dun't have internet excess since last week. 
Luckily my computer is equip with a lots of movies.
Spend most of my time with my computer and novels.

I went Genting to countdown.
It a very rare opportunity for me to go Genting. 
Cause my mum just won't allow me going to Genting. 
But i won lastly. haha
First time went Genting countdown with friends.
Even though this year had no firework. 
But still i'm satisfied. 
The whether was cold and smoggy.
They warn us not to inhale too many fog cause u will get Pleural effusion (肺积水). Genting is decorated with recycle style.
All their decoration is made up of recycle material. Wonderful!!

After 2010 had gone.
I'm looking for job now.
Well. I found a few.
The first one is admin assistant in Kajang. (failed)
Second is library assistant in Nottingham. (failed)
Third is tuition teacher. (success)
Forth is temporary teacher in Semenyih. ( pending)
That mean i'm going to be a tuition teacher. But if the temporary teacher success, i'm going to have two jobs.
Mean more pocket money and more busy. haha
I hope i will be a good temporary teacher.
Quite stress actually. Teaching students. 

But i'm not started yet. 
Let me have a few days more to rest first. haha
And yesterday only i had back my internet excess. Streamyx is damn lousy~!!