Sunday, October 10, 2010

Palia camping~

8 , 9 , 10 October 2010...
I went to camping at~

I was kinda excited on the first day...
Packed my things and rode on the school bus...
Watched Indian movie in the bus...Quite nice~haha
We were quite satisfied with the place when we step inside...
Until we visited the toilet!! It was worst!! 
The toilet was so disgusting until i not dare to use the toilet...
I even plan to not drink water so i dun't need to use that so call TOILET...
There were 6 tiny dark disgusting toilet...10 ++ bathroom (with no water pipe)...a big basin at the center...
We need to take a pail and filled in water from the basin..i never bath like this before...
Luckily i bath at home already on the first i need to bath once only in that terrible toilet...
Our tent...

First day activities~
8.00-11.00pm Listen to a ceramah about what what what ... i can't remember the title...
**Unfortunately it rain on that night...but we had to stand in the rain for the whole night listening to nothing!! Only some information about tomorrow's activities...Luckily we got bring umbrella but majority students din't bring**
11.00-12.00pm grouping
**because of raining so no ceramah then we form group earlier...but it consumed a lot of time just to form 4 groups...all drenching in pity**

Second day activities~
7.00-8.00am aerobic dance
**some of the dace was more like tai chi than aerobic dance...we got dance para para sakura too^^ this is nice**
10.00-12.00noon kajian lapangan (i'm group 4 so my stesen is kuih bahulu)
**rode on A bus to go to our destination...A bus for 100 and more we need to take turn to go there...wait for almost an hour then only our turn...totally disappointed...what we do at there is watch the worker put the readily made mixture in the moulder and put in the oven , take it out and repeat...we were like visiting a zoo!! the worker bake inside a room that look more like a cage and we stand outside the room and watch through the wire gauze....we had waited for an hour just to watch =.=.**
2.00-5.00pm kembara ilmu
**walked 10km...passed by the sawah padi and i forgot the other places...haha...this is the nicest activities that we had during the camping...i walked the mud road for a short length only...because they want us to experience how is the feeling working in the sawah padi...the mud was so slippery that i almost fall the way it a good mask for the leg haha...i think the distance is less than 10km cause i din't feel very tired...after we got back to the camp place we went to bath...worst thing happen...NO WATER...we were so smelly and sticky after the long walk...will die if cannot bath...somebody come out with an idea that we try to ask the aunty that sell burger to borrow toilet to us...the aunty told us to ask the house owner...and we success...happily we took our bathing thing and went to her house...worst thing happen again...she borrow us the bathroom outside her house which is a open place...we struggle whether to bath or not...since we really cannot tahan the sticky and smelly feel so we choose to bath there...half of us guard the place while the other half bath....we had to bath with our clothes on...then only change it in the toilet(a small dark toilet not a bathroom) more new experience for more second time!! **

8.00-10.00pm malam kebudayaan
**so weird the boy and the girl have to separate and have the activities at a different we can't watch the boy's boring..**
10.00-12.00pm free time
**A group of us and a new friend of us chit chat in the canteen...this is the best part of the whole day...we laugh and joke loudly...the new friend of our have a special laughing style...haha....he laugh with HIGH PITCH...his laughing make every each of us laugh too...we chat until 12.30am then reluctantly go to sleep**

 our new friend katigaycent(dunno how to spell_)...he is tall and smart...same age with me...

Third day's activities~
7.00-8.00am aerobic dance
**this time the boy and girls combine to do the dance and is more fun compare with only girls...**
9.00-10.00am khidmat masyarat
**pick up the rubbish and clean the bathroom**
10.00-12.00noon closing ceremony
**sit under the sun and waited an hour for the VIP to arrive...almost punctuality punyaVIP !!**
1.00pm back school

Overall what i did the most is WAIT and WASTE...wait for every activities to start and wasted a lot of time...however i still gained some new experiences...
Cant fall asleep the first UNO and cards in the midnight and walk around on 2.00am and chat in the canteen till 3.00pm then go back to our tent to try to sleep...slept for 2hours then wake up again...the second night i had a better sleep all because of the long walk...slept less than 6hours this 2days...but i still feel energetic and still can write such a long blog...haha that all for my 3days 2nights camp...

After back from camp i had another activities ~ celebrate my chemistry tuition teacher's birthday!!
Bought a cake for him and made a birthday card to him~
We want to give him a surprise but let him found out !! failed to make him surprise...but success in making him happy!! 

Proud to say i drew this card...haha
Hope mr.simon will like it...happy birthday!!

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