Sunday, October 3, 2010

Camping~ camping!
Camping at the front yard of my house...XD
People said i 拿苦来身~have a warm comfortable bed but choose to sleep in the tent~sot sot de*
But it quite fun actually~
Study in the tent make me concentrate more and less sleepy feel...haha
Because it a new environment for me so i will not feel sleepy and that's why i choose to sleep in the tent...
Honestly i feel creepy sleeping outside the house..
I heard a lot of weird sounds ... dogs bark , insects sounds , tree sounds , wind sound , all the nature sounds...
Make me cant fall asleep...
Introduce u my tent!! haha
I fix lamp and radio inside .... so clever neh~haha

my creativity~lamp plus clock with radio...inside the box is the extension wire...
i put it in the box in case if raining then the tent leak of water we'll get electric shock!!

my study materials...hehe

the next morning....i haven't wake up 7am only my stupid sister woke up and curi tangkap saya punya photo!!

it a good experience cause i'm going to camping on 8, 9, 10 of october...
Adapt myself with the camping life first ...haha

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