Monday, February 21, 2011

the BIG day

I had waited for 100years for this moment
Work so hard for 100years for this...* exaggerate*
It seems like 100years for me...
Finally the day had came 21th February 2011
I din't feel nervous toward this date...impatient is what i had.
I can't wait to know the answer.

And now the answer emerged~2.92 is what i got!
Should i be happy or what?
But i felt nothing...just normal.
Maybe is  because i din't put enough effort in it.
No regret either...
What kind of person am i?
No regret no nervous...i'm a freak! haha

Apply a whole day leave just for taking this thing.
Plus some laziness and miss-ness . haah
Happy to meet with them~ffk queen i finally met u! XD

Filling the university form...the irritating 8 choices...
ARGH.... not even one choice had i put!
Still lost...dunno what courses to take.
Hope i will figure it out faster...

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Lol...had a lot of dinners in others peoples house.
Firstly is Big Boss's house in Sunway Semenyih~
Had steamboat been a few years since the last time i had steamboat.
Aunty is very talkative~which is good thing.
But i felt that Big Boss din quite like it...
I like aunty being so friendly and house warming...

Next dinner is at ms.yeo house at bandar teknologi kajang.
Ms. Yeo is the accountant that i work with...she is a friendly woman too.
And i think i'm diffusing into them(colleagues).

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

First blogging in office~

wakaka...i love this picture very much!!
All pink pink and red red~~
i'm free now in office...finished my works haha...
facebook all day is damn boring..
i had watched everybody's photos! And now nothing else to see in fb.
so i decided to blog.

Today's piano lesson had postponed.
yahoo~~ later after work i can go to ms yeo house with colleagues.
To have dinner...=D
 Finally no need to rush...can have a nice dinner with them.
Yesterday we went to boss's house to have steamboat.
Cant enjoy myself thoroughly cause i had to watch the time.
8pm i had to reach home to give tuition.
I stayed till 7.45pm. And told them i'm leaving.
Abruptly big boss throw some questions to me.
=.=''...argh....i DESPERATELY NEED TO GO!
They are waiting for me!
What a non-punctual teacher am i!!
Reach home around tuition suppose to begin at 7.30pm...
But i told them to start 8pm cuz i know i'm gonna be late~and i'm later than 8pm.
Still i'm very 'THE' happy...haha

Monday, February 7, 2011

Chinese New Year 2011

 CNY~~~~pasted already lo....
I want more more more!!!

Met with my former classmates.
So happy to see them.
Long time no see...MISS U all very muchie...
When can me gather again?!

Haha...somemore i forced them to come my house although it was late night.

Went to visit chemistry tuition teacher too-->Mr. Simon.
So excited to met with him too.
Hehe...we played ''kam min toi" with teacher!!
We thought we are bullying teacher cause teacher is quite maybe he will be a little bit slower than us. XD
BUT!! We are wrong. Teacher is FAST..very fast. Faster than me...I lost in the first game!!
I'm OLD......
But that was my happiest game.

 this photo it taken in 1U... not me who wanted to take photo.
It my mum...
She want to take photo with me...what to do..
I'm a good girl. XP

My new facebook profile picture...
Boring la...nothing to do at home...
I lazy to edit photo aldy...
simply simply add a frame and name is enough la...haha


oh more thing.
Almost forgot bout it.
Today is my first company's lunch. *haha...sound so weird*
Kinda nervous having lunch with them.
Dint talk much...but will try to talk more in the future.
One more a secret actually that big boss's youngest son is handsome!! 
haha...finally office life will not be so dull anymore. (packed with girl only)
But he come office once in a while. Dint get to see him much.  hehe.. pls keep it a secret ya~~XP