Wednesday, February 9, 2011

First blogging in office~

wakaka...i love this picture very much!!
All pink pink and red red~~
i'm free now in office...finished my works haha...
facebook all day is damn boring..
i had watched everybody's photos! And now nothing else to see in fb.
so i decided to blog.

Today's piano lesson had postponed.
yahoo~~ later after work i can go to ms yeo house with colleagues.
To have dinner...=D
 Finally no need to rush...can have a nice dinner with them.
Yesterday we went to boss's house to have steamboat.
Cant enjoy myself thoroughly cause i had to watch the time.
8pm i had to reach home to give tuition.
I stayed till 7.45pm. And told them i'm leaving.
Abruptly big boss throw some questions to me.
=.=''...argh....i DESPERATELY NEED TO GO!
They are waiting for me!
What a non-punctual teacher am i!!
Reach home around tuition suppose to begin at 7.30pm...
But i told them to start 8pm cuz i know i'm gonna be late~and i'm later than 8pm.
Still i'm very 'THE' happy...haha

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