Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Last Day in ORGABIO~

I got fired. So pity....but happy!
Happy cause no need to face the SCARY BIG BOSS.
Sad cause cannot play and laugh with my colleagues anymore.
I will miss u all!!

Actually i'm not getting fire because of any low productivity or laziness...
It because from somewhere jump out a permanent worker.
And my boss afraid that it will be very difficult to find another worker so for gurantee he terminate me and hire her.

Anyway i'm kinda boring working there. Always too free nothing to do.
Make me feel guilty to take the salary.
Now i'm going to give tuition and work part time at home.
Sleep whenever i want. Wake up whenever i want.
No more rushing to work.

And i will have a lot more time to tidy up my rooms.
Argh....i hate tidying.
But i'm gonna do a little make up for my rooms.
So it will look prettier. haha

Enjoy my few more month holidays nicely. kekekekekeke

Sunday, March 13, 2011


yala...big boss..i'm still in LOW standard 6 level la...i know la...but what to do...

Today got scold by SCARY BIG BOSS~
:"come...sit down. U study until STPM already is it?"
":U dunno how to write a letter ah? This letter standard 6 u know?!"
:"Your Malay is until this standard only ah?"
:"quiet quiet*...."
;"U going to further study?
:"Which University u apply?"
:" *simply say a few* UM, UPM...."
:"U come here to play play only is it?"
:"Nevermine...nothing more. U can back to your seat."

Damn scary!!
SCARY BIG BOSS please do not come to office so often ya~
little boss is much more better.
Still there are no perfect human in the earth... haiz...

Yala...SCARY BIG BOSS...i will improve my DAMN MALAY language la...and letter writting skill la...

Friday, March 4, 2011




Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hair Cut

Weee....i finally had my haircut!
Feel more like a human now.
Cut at Kajang Prima.
 There a lot of Saloon.
So i decide to listen to the art center aunty since she live in kajang.
And went to the saloon she used to go.
I let a handsome china man cut my hair XD...
I knew he's not local once i listen to his voice.
So i try to be socialize *>< since i want to study sociology* haha
And started to talk to him and ask questions.
I ask why he came to Malaysia? Then he answered " i heard people saying Malaysia's moon is rounder so i came to see."
=.=|| so ridiculous!!
He got a business head actually. He said my hair will look much better if i make is straight.
Obviously he is trying to persuade me to do hair treatment to earn money.
But i say i like natural the most~
He became speechless abruptly. haha
He talked a lot when he was cutting my hair. Explaining to me what he is doing now and then.
I know it good explaining to me...but i usually just let people cut my hair without interrupting.
Cause i myself have no idea what hairstyle to cut. So just cut whatever how u want to cut ~
So easy leh~~haha


Boring...Boring...Boring...x infinity
Office life is damn dull and boring...
I need some color la!! Red or Blue or Green~~ 
And some guys also...haha my office is like a pusat ladies...
Flooded with women only.YIN all over the air...
When will there be suddenly a handsome guy jump out from noway?

University...aha...another thing to bore with...
Digging the courses that i MIGHT interested with...
What i found interesting is 1 only...sociology~
Not sure i really interested with it or not? Please dun be 3 mins heat ah...
The other 7 choices not yet decide...zzzzz....

tell me what u want what u really really want!!
Lol...suddenly thought of this song.