Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hair Cut

Weee....i finally had my haircut!
Feel more like a human now.
Cut at Kajang Prima.
 There a lot of Saloon.
So i decide to listen to the art center aunty since she live in kajang.
And went to the saloon she used to go.
I let a handsome china man cut my hair XD...
I knew he's not local once i listen to his voice.
So i try to be socialize *>< since i want to study sociology* haha
And started to talk to him and ask questions.
I ask why he came to Malaysia? Then he answered " i heard people saying Malaysia's moon is rounder so i came to see."
=.=|| so ridiculous!!
He got a business head actually. He said my hair will look much better if i make is straight.
Obviously he is trying to persuade me to do hair treatment to earn money.
But i say i like natural the most~
He became speechless abruptly. haha
He talked a lot when he was cutting my hair. Explaining to me what he is doing now and then.
I know it good explaining to me...but i usually just let people cut my hair without interrupting.
Cause i myself have no idea what hairstyle to cut. So just cut whatever how u want to cut ~
So easy leh~~haha

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