Sunday, March 13, 2011


yala...big boss..i'm still in LOW standard 6 level la...i know la...but what to do...

Today got scold by SCARY BIG BOSS~
:"come...sit down. U study until STPM already is it?"
":U dunno how to write a letter ah? This letter standard 6 u know?!"
:"Your Malay is until this standard only ah?"
:"quiet quiet*...."
;"U going to further study?
:"Which University u apply?"
:" *simply say a few* UM, UPM...."
:"U come here to play play only is it?"
:"Nevermine...nothing more. U can back to your seat."

Damn scary!!
SCARY BIG BOSS please do not come to office so often ya~
little boss is much more better.
Still there are no perfect human in the earth... haiz...

Yala...SCARY BIG BOSS...i will improve my DAMN MALAY language la...and letter writting skill la...

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