Monday, August 6, 2012

Melaka food paradise !!

After one year plus~finally i'm back to Melaka for one day trip!
Ahaha...Melaka is seriously a food paradise.
牛腩面, satay celup, nadeje, Nyonya cuisine, Portugis cuisine, and many more.
oh my, cannot gain more weight lar!
Anyway~here is my favourite NADEJE!!

Thousand layer cake and forever beautiful~haha
The drink is not bad, but the's the best! i'm loving it~

Friday, July 6, 2012



一年就将又悄悄地过去了。大学第一年生的生涯也就结束了。开学后就正式成为第二年生了。我……怀念第一年生的生活。不想这么快就毕业。四年说长不长,短也不会很短。但我突然觉得四年的时间好短哦。怎么办?我不想这么快就踏入社会。我……正感到无比的恐惧。想到都怕>.< 。还是先想想这两个月要怎么过吧!我要去玩个够!第一站-->马六甲被逼延迟到八月份才有的去了。SO SAD!我会期待那天的到来。除此之外,我必须要努力赚钱!没有钱怎么玩个够啊?我没有做推销员的经验……但是我想尝试。我还不算有体验过站着10个小时以上的工作,所以想挑战下自己。


Monday, June 18, 2012


最近,被身边的朋友影响。开始用华语来spam。哈哈……一开始很不习惯因为我打华语字特别慢。所以我就干脆用拼音跟他们斗过!他们打华语字我打拼音:P。后来被他们骂说我的拼音很难看,要我打华语。薄变……我只好配合他们以华语来SPAM。但是,我真的是太慢了!因为打得慢,所以SPAM的心情也减半了。后来他们发现原来我是用Microsoft Pinyin来打华语的,当然是慢啦!最后他们就教我下载谷歌拼音。果然,一个字形容”快“!哈哈,日后打华语就不是问题啦。不过还是时常被他们找咋。说我的这个字错,那个字错。T.T……我不管啦。要快就是将的啦。管他错不错,只要你们看得懂我要表达什么就可以了:P。哈哈





Dear Roommate~

Roommate is defined as an associate who shares a room with you.
I have a roommate in K5 starting from my first year life in UPM. Before entering UPM, i was worried that who is gonna be my roommate? What kind of character will my roommate have? Is she nice? Or in the contrary?

Well, the day had finally arrive and all of my curiosities got the answers. My roommate is a very nice senior ; )。
Starting i was quite shy to talk to her since she is a senior! But it got better day by day. Her name is Joyce--a very sweet name which suit her very well.

Times flies...
A blink of eye, one year had passed. I never thought that 15th June would be our last day being roommate to each other. When i was about to go back home, she told me that today would be our last day seeing each other because she is going back on Sunday and will not come back anymore. My heart sank. *WHAT?! So fast?!* sigh...i'm gonna miss you badly.

I came back to K5 on Sunday evening and found out that she had gone. Her place is cleared just like the first day i entered the room. Until after orientation week, she came in and bring hope to me that i'm not alone. I was very happy to see her because i'm very afraid of loneliness. I'll tend to think/fascinate when i'm alone that why sometimes it's kind of scary staying alone without a roommate.
After my roommate had move out, i found myself cleaning the room daily even though she is not around. Joyce has the habit of cleaning the room daily because she is allergic to dust. I think i learnt this habit from her. When i'm back home, i'll clean my room and sometimes cannot stand to see any dirtiness in the house. Am glad to learn a good habit from her. more laziness to clean room.
I really appreciate the period where we are roommate to each other. I hope i didn't do anything that makes her unhappy.

Will surely keep in contact with you! Hope to see u soon in the beginning of our next semester. Tell u a secret~You are the Best Roommate i ever had and the First roommate that i had!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Just now received a message. One of my friend's father just passed away...
My heart sunk. Why must life be so short? Why must people die someday? Why must i feel sad when people die? 

I dunno how to console her...i have no idea what to speak to her...i dunno what to do to make her feel better? Cause if i'm her...i don't think any word will be able to make me feel better by that time. My heart will feel like bursting and my eyes will rain non-stop. I can't imagine if the person close to me is gone forever. I'm afraid to lost. 

Tomorrow is her father's funeral, i'm struggling whether to go or not. My previous plan is to go Midvalley to buy present for my daughter and friend after the quensheng talk at 2pm. But now, where should i go...which one should i choose to go to? How should i make decision? i feel vex...

Why is it so hard to make a decision? Same as this evening after dinner...i struggled whether to go PAP workshop or stay in my room. I can't seem to make a decision. I always have trouble making a decision. I must study this semester's decision making and management subject well. 

Monday, January 2, 2012

Semester 1 Final Exam

That's first and final exam in semester 1 in UPM.
Spend 3days of my study week in college and the remainder days at home.
haha...initially i planned to spent my whole week of study week in college but seems like it din go accordingly.
The days studied in college was so so so bitter!
Studied whole day which is so tiring that i have to nap twice a day!
which is very unusual for me-who din take naps at all!
Anyway, it's the past.

Now, today i'm gonna sit for kenegaraan.
I woke up on 0710 then make myself a cup of chocolate oat and sit infront of my lappy planning to continue ytd night de revise. Suddenly, Grace called. Are u ready to go? I was like blur blur...HUH? i haven eat and revise yet >.<....

In the speed of light, i finished my breakfast and have a look on my "book" =P then wolaa...change clothes and pergi take bus to go to my exam venue~which is the KAA! Reach KAA but i forgot which room it is so i took out my schedule and have a look wrote there DEWAN BESAR!! Shit >.<....why am i so blur!! Again, quickly i took the bus to Dewan Besar.

Well, most of the questions that came out i have blur image in my head that i had read through. I was able to spit out the facts but din do well on elaboration. Overall, i think i'll score 50% bah.

Anyway this is just one of the exam..still left 4 havent go yet
Better start my engine lo~~