Sunday, September 26, 2010

MY 19th birthday~

wahaha...goodbye to my golden 18th!!
Cannot tell people i still consider as 18th anymore...i'm 19th already...
Din't feel extremely happy actually...
But i felt very warm =]
Got so many people wished me...THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
Love u guys....muackx~
Had a tiny tiny small celebration in school...haha
Thank you to my lovely classmates especially Lily , Siew Xue and Mei Wei!!
I almost have heart attack surprised by them....
Later on saturday another surprise came...
That fellow secretly put a birthday present in my car...
Then when i got back home she sms me to look inside my car...
I thought u left anything in my car then surprise!!
A gift in car...
U really good in making me surprised! I like it~haha
tada** my birthday present!! u really know my heart~haha my lovely twilight~

of cause my favorite Edward also!! picture for Jacob XP

This fellow knew that i'm a twilight fan also~
haha~like this too!! I even set it as my phone's wallpaper~

Happy birthday to myself~
Concentrate in your study ya~no more play play....

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