Sunday, June 5, 2011

Awesome Melaka trip~First day!

This is going to be the longest post ever....kekeke
Let's visit MELAKA!!
Our first lunch in u can see in photo~
CHICKEN RICE!! It not the normal chicken rice.....
Because it's the 粒粒鸡饭!!
Sebiji sebiji nasi ayam~
I not very much fancy bout rice but this rice is NICE~

Next station--> San Shu Gong
What's their famous products? Dunno...
What we know is cam-whore!! keke

Then is time to shopping! Jalan-jalan...
And the triller part is taking photo at the middle of the road!
keke...FUN LEH!! The steps are as follow: 
1.Figured out our formation.
2.Wait for the right timing.

In the middle of the door also can~haha
This photo was taken in one-shot!
Y one-shot?! Cause the aunty dun let us stand by the door....disturb her bussiness woh....
But dun care...hehe count to 123, stand still and snap! kekekekeeke
Fast and Nice~

Another door pose~keke

Second meal...Donald & Lily!

Ah....tired. Back to hostel (actually is friend's house) XD
Played poker~

Later on they fall asleep....what to do?!
Origami! haha

Melaka is damn hot!! Look at the sun~

Dinner Time!! Makan apa?!

Superb satay!! It's not the ordinary satay that we ate in kajang.
It's actually lok lok in satay kinda sauce..

Hungry faces...

Satisfied faces~keke

menara taming sari!
Din't get to ride it cause too expensive XX at night.
Tomorrow morning la~

Supper time!! Ate kat tepi longkang!! keke

Ewwww...the wat dat thing...I dare to eat but not dare to put in my mouth!
Cause it is too ugly....especially the tail part...argh....still remember it's face!!

Eh...drink what?

Our new melaka friend~ ini bahagianya!! This little age already went night bar.
Our night entertainment is damn shock!!
haha after having 5 bottles of Heineken...we went to sing K!!
keke...Finally the day is finish and it's time to sleep.


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