Monday, June 27, 2011


Duh...recently i had fallen in love with baking.
Because its helped to fill in the blank in my life.
And when i was little i would always looking forward to the time when i would be able to bake by my own.
Become a baker is one of my dream too.

Now let see what i had baked this lately.
First of all...
Jiang Jiang!! A choco raisin chiffon cake...

...that turn out to be a lovely dark choco cake~haha

It really difficult to bake a chiffon cake.
After i told my mum that we failed to bake chiffon cake, she told me that chiffon cake always bully people.
=.=''....why is she using ''bully'' to describe?
Anyway...i still love the dark choco raisin cake!

Our second recipe of the day is........

NICE?!! easy to make.
just do the crust and the fillings are just ham, sausage, onion, cheese, some milk and egg~

Oreo cheese cake will be postponed to sunday.
I'm going to be a good baker soon!

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