Tuesday, November 23, 2010

First day of exam Pengajian Am 2

Yesterday i was still calm.
But the next morning exactly 6am i open my eyes and the first thing in my mind is STPM.
Make me quickly jumped out of my bed and open the PA book to have a last look.
Then slowly my heart began to feel heavier and heavier...
I'm nervous!!
Keep worrying if i dunno how to do...HOW?!
But there is not much time for me to worry.
Because the time had come~
Well...overall i think it still can be consider as OK...mean PASS only.
The first 2 essays consumed too much of time!!
Causing me not much time to do the last section....ARGH..racing with the time to finish the last part...
But i still din manage to finish it...sad sad
NOW is time to strive for the next 3 paper on next week!!
gambateh!! ^^

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