Thursday, November 4, 2010

Recently ME

Recently busy with study stuff....
But still have time to FB...>,<
Watch TV and so on....
Should use these time to study de...but can't make it...
I need entertainment~haha
Adam Lambert ~For Your Entertainment
Nice song...

product formed when doing homework sambil zzzzzzzzz
haha..half sleeping half doing homework state....
i'm so pro!!

Learnt this online....
Origin from Lady Gaga if no mistaken...
my hair not long enough...sad...
can make a small small one only~

zzzzz.....i sound so free...
Entertainment enough.....
Go study lu...

Oh yeah...almost forgotten...
HOLIDAY!! hahahaha
I have holiday from yesterday till sunday~hehe
Thanks to Deepavali~
Happy deevapali~( happy 你爸爸打你) sis taught me~

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