Tuesday, December 14, 2010

14th Dec 2010

Today's paper ---> Math T2
wee....alarm rang on 6.00am.
Can't move my name and open my eyes.
So i let it rang until 7.00am then only close it and continue to sleep till 7.30am
So swt.....cannot wake up early anymore.
Then i was wandering to watch The vampire diaries.
Actually not ''wandering'' should be ''wanted''.
Still have a few episode *i WANT to watch* cant wait any longer
Eh...the line got problem can't connect.
=.='' so disappointed.
Well maybe is because i should be studying and not watching drama!
Haiz...what to do...no internet...no other choice but to study.
Finished the whole book.
But still not confidence yet.
But have no mood aldy.
Play computer game.
Lately my sister download a game ---> Plants vs. Zombie
I tell her that she is so lousy to download such lousy game!
But then i played it and i found it to be quite fun actually XP
haha....then i addicted to it and keep playing till 12.00.
Cause time to prepare to school.

Well....a few questions i can't answer.
Hmm....LKM u so bad!!
so not obedient !!
should study more de!!
next paper ---> chemistry 1
gambateh ya!!

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