Monday, December 6, 2010

real friends

Today's paper ---> Pengajian Am paper1
Yesterday whole day not at home
When reached home already 9.00pm i still facebook...*not ought!!
Should be studying at that time....LAZY bum.
Then the chatbox pop out.
It my lovely cousin ""Why are u here?"
"U should be studying is it?"
Then i hesitate for awhile thinking what excuse to give...
Ah..."hehe...tomorrow 2.00pm exam so still have time." *lame excuses!!*
Then she said:"dun take for guaranteed"
Oh..ya oh...can i guarantee that i can finish all the revision by tomorrow?
Ermm..answer is NOPE!
Argh...i MUST go study RIGHT NOW!
Then quickly i off my com and went to study the bloody PA1.
 Thanks to my lovely cousin, for reminding me what is my PRIORITY.

So today's exam is OK
Not too HARD not too EASY.
haha...cause i finally read the textbook and figured out all the things that i thought is hard before.
ting* the bulb in my brain lighted finally and luckily not too late.

Really want to thanks to all those friends that remind me to go study when i am facebooking.
When i start online. My head will stick to the screen and hand stick to the mouse and butt stick to the chair.
haha...really hard to get up and go study.
Need people to urge me to study. BAD HABIT.
Well...Thanks for all your concerns and encouragements!!
Love you guys.
You are all REAL FRIEND.

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