Monday, August 9, 2010

Mice dissection~

Today we finally done the mice dissection. hehe..........^,^
Went to Seremban to buy the mice. Very troublesome. We have to go find for the mice ourselves and buy it. Luckily not using our own money if not ..... 
My first impression when i saw the mice was :'' Wah!! so cute~''
Then the next second :" yee!! so geli~'' 
All because of it's tail. So geli. 
But overall it very cute with its white fur and red eyes. 
Suddenly i feel we are very cruel. They are going to be dissect soon. 3 more days they are going to die. Those cute cute mice are going to die. Owh.....i suddenly had the feeling dun't want to do the experiment anymore. My enthusiasm to dissect mice had disappear. 
However...Monday had arrived. 
The hardest part is to faint the mice using chloroform. They were so fierce we cannot catch them using gloves. They bite our gloves. So had to faint them inside the cage by dipping the cotton with chloroform and using the bisect to hold it and force them to smell it. evil~
After that attach them onto the board using nails. 
Mine is a male one! See the sexual organ then you know. 
''I'm sorry'' my teacher keep repeating the same word for a thousand  time.
When i dissecting the mice...unconsciously i started to say :'' I'm sorry'' to the mice. Operation successful~very difficult to cut it ribcage. 
The murderer~dun't catch me!

haha...afterward whole day we discussed about the mice. And playing with the phone. Chasing each other just to take some video. So childish~

Finally i want to thanks the mice for contributing its body to us. I had learnt alot from it. THANK YOU SO MUCH! 

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