Friday, August 6, 2010

sleepy head...

STPM is around the corner....
But i still haven't finish all the syllabus!!
Time getting more mood to study is getting lesser too.
How come!!?
Why my friends can study at least 3 hours per day.
But me....1hour only will lost concentration.
Keep thinking about other things.
The worst things is i cant change my habit to not falling asleep in class.
Now even in tuition i can fall asleep!
My sleepy symptom is getting worse.
How to cure it?!
I already let my friends wake me up whenever they saw me slept.
But then i will fall asleep asap.
So it no use at all.
It not because of i'm not getting enough of sleep.
I sleep at least 6 hours everyday.
However there is still one method for me to study without falling asleep.
Which is the .... standing method~
Stand and study. *smart leh* xP
I can use this method until i learnt how to sleep while standing.
But it very stupid also hand will become tired.
Nevermind at least i can study.
''Less talk and more work! Asyik talk talk talk saja , nothing is done. STPM is near so no talk!''*pn. vong scold us* talk then i type lo. Can?!

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